1) - Ye Shall Not Eat of It, Neither Shall Ye Touch It, Lest Ye Die [27.04.2017]
2) - Appoint a Teacher for Yourself and Avoid Doubt [04.05.2017]
3) - Traineth My Hands for War, and My Fingers for Battle [11.05.2017]
4) - If He Come to Slay Thee, Forestall by Slaying Him [18.05.2017]
5) - Who Is Powerful? One Who Overcomes His Inclinations [25.05.2017]
6) - And Esau Said to Jacob: Pour Into Me Some of This Red, Red, for I Am Faint [01.06.2017]
7) - God of Great Deeds, Find Us Forgiveness, at the Time of Ne'ila [08.06.2017]
8) - He Perceives a Matter's Outcome at Its Inception [15.06.2017]